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- HTC M8 刷入 Android 7.1.1 牛軋糖
Posted by : 紹斌
2017年2月28日 星期二
雖然已經換M10,M8其實還是有它的用途,M8 原廠作業系統用起來卡的,很慢。
M8刷入 Android 7.1.1 牛軋糖快得像飛似的。
GAPPS- ARM/7.1/stock
TWRP Recovery必備,且版本請到2.8.6.0以上
Step 1 – Download Android 7.1.1 AICP ROM for One M8 to your computer and extract boot.img from the zip file separately. Download Google Apps as well.
Step 2 – Connect and mount your One M8 USB memory to your computer using the USB cable.
Step 3 – Now copy/paste the downloaded Android 7.1.1 ROM zip and Google Apps zip files to your phone memory / SD card. Make sure the file is in the phone memory / SD card root (not in any folder).
Step 4 – Copy/paste the boot.img file to android-sdk-windows\platform-tools directory.
Step 5 – Then turn OFF your phone and disconnect from the USB cable.
Step 6 – Now to get in the Bootloader/Fastboot Mode. Turn ON the phone while pressing and holding the Volume Down + Power buttons.
Step 7 – Once in the Fastboot mode (on your phone), navigate to android-sdk-windows\platform-tools directory (on your computer) and open Command Prompt (Shift + Right-click > Open Command Prompt).
Step 8 – Type the following command and press Enter.
fastboot flash boot boot.img
Step 9 – Then, type the following command and press Enter.
fastboot reboot
Step 10 – Follow the navigation instructions on the screen. Select BOOTLOADER and then go to RECOVERY. Alternatively, read this: How to Enter Recovery Mode on Any Android Phone.

NOTE: Screenshots of the Team Win Recovery Project (TWRP Recovery) may change as new versions are released.
Step 11 – Once you are in TWRP Recovery, perform a full data wipe by tapping on the ‘Wipe’ button. Then swipe on the “Swipe to Factory Reset” option at the bottom.

Step 13 – Confirm installation on the next screen by swiping on the “Swipe to Confirm Flash” option. The installation procedure should start now as show below.

Step 15 – Tap on the “Wipe cache/dalvik” button if you get into any boot loops or other issues.
Step 16 – You can now reboot your phone by selecting the “Reboot System” button.