Archive for 5月 2012
在Linux玩Diablo 3 (CentOS)

1.Install Proprietary drivers for your graphics card
2.Install wine
Download wine source
Download wine 1.5.4 D3 fix path
我所遇到Win 7 顯示方面的問題整理
1.Geforce顯示卡新的Driver安裝完畢後,畫面一片黑(註:GeForce 296.10 WHQL,導致黑屏)重開機後Windows旗幟飄揚,進到登入畫面一片漆黑,電腦並未當機,就是沒影像訊號.解法:雖然進安全模式移除新的驅動程式重開機會好,但這不是我要的結果,查遍資料,試過多種網路方法,無效.還是靠自己的智慧解決了,就是....換成HDMI輸出(DVI靠轉接頭接HDMI也行),Geforce and Win 7很沒趣,我的顯卡有支持三種輸出,DVI/SUB/HDMI,裝完新Driver進入WIN7後硬是強迫我用最好畫質的HDMI輸出,但開機確允許讓我可以用DVI輸出?2.Win7進入(渾合)睡眠模式後,喚醒後硬體都醒了,就是沒有畫面.解法:.
System i - SQL COALESCE function in views has a deficiency
I was upgrade V5R3 --> V6R1 in last month,
我們踩到 IBM SQE 的 Bug, 開PMR弄了一個月,才由公司同事找到問題.
There isn't a problem specifically with the
COALESCE function,
But use COALESCE on columns in Views
then used to join to a table in a query, will.