Archive for 2010
此外, 維基解密網站明年初,公布的外交電報文件,將為此事提供新的證據。
讓Linux使用TECOM 的 WM5123M-2G5網卡
1.下載 wpa_supplicant
2.下載linuxwimax對wpa_supplicant出的patch,以building the library
$ patch -p1 < PATH/wpa_supplicant-0.7.2-generate-libeap-peer.patch
$ make -C src/eap_peer
$ make -C src/eap_peer install
$ ldconfig
Installing for dependencies:
libusb 1.0
make CFLAGS=-DGDM7205
$ ldconfig
查mac address 例如:0011aabbccdd
gctwimax --login=帳號 --pass=密碼 --nspid=0xf74809 --eap-type=5
--NSP的ID(VMAX) --MAC是你的網卡MAC address --認證方式是EAP type 5
USB_ModeSwitch - Activating Switchable USB Devices on Linux
1.使用ModeSwitch以Sagem F@ST 9520-35-GLR 抓到WiMAX網卡.
(4).接著在WIndows中安中建置Proxy Server
(5).Linux Windws都可以正常以4G上網了.
這一天是冬至(Winter Solstice),這一天的太陽將與銀河系的黃道 (Ecliptic) 和赤道
(Eqator) 所形成的交叉點完全重合。
由於地球的磁場受到太陽磁場很大的牽制,當太陽磁極逆轉時,摩利斯推論地球磁極也跟著對調,令地球磁極南北兩球互換.生物無法適應突然發生重大氣候變化,而 集體死亡.長毛象堅信是熱帶地區的生物,但由於磁極的對調,使它們生存的地方變成天寒地凍的不毛之地,於是發生長毛象在西伯利亞、阿拉斯加集體死亡的事 件.而考古學上的證據顯示這二個地方原本屬於熱帶氣候的。
公元755年,瑪雅的一位僧侶預言:1991年以後,人類有兩個重大事件要發生--人類的宇宙意識覺醒和地球的淨化與再生。事實上,瑪雅人把第十三個 Baktun的最後二十年 (最後的一個Unial,即1992年至2012年) 稱為地球再生或淨化期 (Earth Regeneration or Earth Purification Period).
根據瑪雅人的長曆法 (Long Count Calendar),2012年12月21日將是本次人類文明結束的日子。瑪雅人認為第四個世界會在災禍之中結束,此後,將進入與本次文明毫無關係的一個全新的文明。
人類歷史上的3次大浩劫,其中一次就出現的瑪雅人身上,即使他們預測到了也改變不了,那一次就是消失的瑪雅文明,年代記載最完整的<克奧第特蘭年代記>說明地球由始到終分為五個太陽紀,分別代表五次浩劫,其中四個浩劫已經過去,當第五個太陽紀來臨,太陽會消失,大地劇烈搖晃,災難四起,人類會徹底毀滅, 按照馬雅曆法是3113年,換算為西曆便是2012年12月22日。
瑪雅人沒有提到什麼原因使本次文明終結,但暗示人類在精神和意識方面的覺醒和轉變 (Cosmic Awareness and Spiritual Transition),從而進入新的文明。
在如此人慾橫流和物慾橫流的社會,有什麼力量能淨化地球呢?肯定不是靠政府和法律的強行管制,因為法律是人定的,是有漏洞的,違法者可以靠地位、關係和金錢逃脫懲罰。此外,法律只能制裁看得見的人的行為,而不可能約束看不見的人的內心。當然更不可能靠所謂科學的 突破,因為正是科學使人類越來越追求物質享受和遠離道德良心。
Nagios Plug In (Dash 及 AS/400)
日前寫了兩個Nagios的插件,在浩瀚的自由軟體世界 再次 貢獻我的心力.
Nagios Dash from NDOUtils
Forked Nagios Dashboard – PHP and select data from NDOUTILS DB. Easy to monitor Unhandled error only.
2011/02/10 新增說明
GLPI 0.80新增服務水準協議(SLA)的統計選項,
目前我已經進行 GLPI 0.80的中文化,已完成96%,如果翻譯上有甚麼問題,請留言.
另外,以下是我找到較完整的OCS and GLPI 安裝與設定說明,請享用.
English : OCS and GLPI installation guide
Lisez le Guide d'installation d'OCS et GLPI en français.
This is a quick installation Guide for OCS Inventory NG and GLPI.
This guide is designed for Fedora, RHEL and CentOS distributions which provides RPM of OCS and GLPI in their official repositories (also available here, you need to activate my repository).
We consider the server is freshly installed : MySQL is not installed nor configured.
This article was writen with OCS version 1.02 RC3 and GLPI 0.71.2.
In this tutorial, I use rootsecret, ocssecret, glpisecret, syncsecret as password, of course, you should use other values...
The database server
MySQL installation, launch and activation :
# yum install mysql-server
# service mysqld start
# chkconfig mysqld on
Some security on the server : we must change the database administrator password, drop the test database, disable anonymous access, etc:
# mysql_secure_installation
If you've completed all of the above steps, your MySQL installation should now be secure. (We will consider the root password is set to rootsecret)
OCS Inventory NG
Installation :
# yum install ocsinventory
# service httpd restart
# chkconfig httpd on
Configuration and database schema creation :
Connect to http://localhost/ocsreports/install.php (must be modified if you are connected to the server from another computer).
- Step 1 : enter the MySQL administrator login and password, then Send.
- Step 2 : schema creation. If all is ok (must be true using the RPM), clic on Send
- Step 3 : installation final step. write somewhere the account created (admin/admin) and clic on Click here to enter OCS-NG GUI.
- Step 4 : choose your language (using the flag on the right top)
- Step 5 : connect to the application (admin/admin)
Congratulations. You have OCS installed !
Some required configuration options : open the pipe wrench / Configuration / Config and then the Server tabs:
- LOGLEVEL = On (really usefull when you encounter an issue)
- PROLOG_FREQ = 24 (time between 2 inventory)
- AUTO_DUPLICATE_LVL = crtieria used to detect that 2 computers are the same (I use Model + Serial + Mac Address).
- TRACE_DELETED = On (required by GLPI).
- SESSION_VALIDITY_TIME = 600 (session duration, the empty value provided is not valid).
Changing the application admin password is also really a good idea (don't forget it) : use the "key" icon on the right top.
During the installation step a new database ocsweb is created and a MySQL account ocs with a default password = ocs, which is really not secure.
We need to change the MySQL password :
# mysql -uroot -prootsecret
mysql> UPDATE mysql.user SET Password = PASSWORD('ocssecret') WHERE User = 'ocs';
mysql> exit
And to update the configuration file with this new password :
In the /etc/httpd/conf.d/ocsinventory-server.conf file (arround line 31) :
PerlSetVar OCS_DB_PWD ocssecret
In the /etc/ocsinventory/ocsinventory-reports/ file :
Tell apache to reload his configuration for perl module to read the new parameter value:
# service httpd reload
First computer
To test the inventory feature, we are going to install the inventory agent on a first computer. Of course it will be on our server.
# yum install ocsinventory-agent
Now, send the inventory:
# ocsinventory-agent --server=localhost
If all is ok, your server should be in the computer list in OCS.
You can enable the automatic inventory of this computer, edit the /etc/sysconfig/ocsinventory-agent:
To start, we are going to create the database schema and the MySQL accounts for GLPI. Using the administrator (root) account is really a bad idea. The glpi account will be used by the application, and the synchro account for the synchronizaton process (to read the ocsweb database from glpi with only minimum rights).
N.B. in this example, the synchro user rights are reduce to the minimal. In the case you want to use some special plugins (uninstall p.e.), full right are required.
# mysql -uroot -prootsecret
mysql> CREATE USER 'glpi'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'glpisecret';
mysql> GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'glpi'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'glpisecret';
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `glpi`.* TO 'glpi'@'%';
mysql> CREATE USER 'synchro'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'syncsecret';
mysql> GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'synchro'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'syncsecret';
mysql> GRANT SELECT ON `ocsweb`.* TO 'synchro'@'%';
mysql> GRANT DELETE ON `ocsweb`.`deleted_equiv` TO 'synchro'@'%';
mysql> GRANT UPDATE (`CHECKSUM`) ON `ocsweb`.`hardware` TO 'synchro'@'%';
mysql> exit
Installation :
# yum install glpi
# service httpd reload
Database schema creation and configuration
Connect to the application : http://localhost/glpi/ it will launch the configuration wizard.
- select your language and : OK.
- read and accept the license (GPL) : Continue
- start the installation : Installation
- step 0 : prerequisites check (must be ok with the RPM) : Continue
- step 1 : enter the database connexion parameters (localhost / glpi / glpisecret) : Continue
- step 2 : select the glpi database and Continue
- step 3 : write somewhere the adminstrateur login and password (glpi/glpi) et Continue
- step 4 : also write the other account informations : Use GLPI
- Authentificate yourself with the new account : glpi/glpi
Congratulations (again) : you have GLPI installed !
OCSNG mode configuration
OCSNG mode activation :
- Menu Setup / General
- Restrictions tabs
- Activate OCSNG mode : Yes, and Post
Server Configuration :
- Menu Setup / OCSNG mode
- Select the server created during installation: localhost
- Name: My OCS Server
- OCSweb host: localhost
- Name of the OCS database: ocsweb
- OCSweb database user: synchro
- OCSweb user password: syncsecret
- Post
You must get the Connection to OCS database successful message.
Now, we must configure the informations that will be imported from OCS to GLPI. Here is a few examples :
- Monitors : Unit import on Serial number
- Logiciels : Unit Import
- Use the software dictionary of OCS: No
- Number of computers to synchronize using the cron: 0 (we are going to use another solution)
- General informations Computers : Yes for all that you are interested by.
- Components : Yes for what you want.
- etc, etc (you should notice that a lot of behavior are configurable)
- Post
Check :
- Menu Tools / OCSNG
- Import new computers
In the displayed list, you should see your server (on which we have installed the agent). Don't ask for it to be imported as we are going to see how to use automatic synchronization.
Automatic OCSNG synchronization
This step is not required as the internal pseudo-cron integrated in GLPI also do an automatic synchronization. But this solution seems more cumfortable and flexible (at least, for me).
We are going to use the Mass import from OCSNG plugin.
Disconnect from GLPI (logout link) and install the plugin:
# yum install glpi-mass-ocs-import
Connect into GLPI to install / configure the plugin :
- Menu Setup / Plugins
- Link : OCS massive Import
- Link : Install OCS massive import plugin (plugin tables creation)
- Default OCS server: My OCS Server
- Post the configuration page
- Enable the synchronization
The planified task configured by the RPM will be launched every 5 minutes. Be patient, your first computer should be imported into GLPI.
Tu supervise the synchronization :
- Menu : Plugins / OCS Massive Import
- Tab : Informations about scripts execution
We have configured one of the best inventory and asset management solution in a few minutes (probably the best, as it isOpenSource)
You can now continue to deploy the inventory agent on your other computers, it's available for most OS.
Take also some time to read the official documentation to be able to tune your configuration to fully suite your need:
Don't forget than OpenSource projects exists thanks to their community and to their users contributions. So when you'll have seen what OCS and GLPI can do for you, don't forget to do something for this projects:
Comments and support
Of course, comments on this guide are welcome and could be posted here. For support questions, please, use each application official forums:
- OCS Forums
- GLPI Forums
- Forums - Les RPM de Remi for questions about this tutorial or the RPM.
Don't forget to read and to respect forum usage rules.